coming / current / past:






Venerdi 9 giugno 16h30 Museo delle Civiltà Talk: "DECOLONIZING THE GAZE The Colonial Heritage of Italian and International Fashion Design and Its Impact on the Collective Imagination" di Caterina Pecchioli.


Intervengono: Victor R.B. Abbey-Hart (Victor-Hart) Nosakhare Ekhator (Studente Accademia Costume & Moda) Semhal Tsegaye (Almaz Design) e Alessandra Vaccari (Docente di Storia e Teoria della Moda, IUAV Venezia)

Progetto realizzato grazie al sostegno dell’Italian Council (XI edizione, 2022), programma di promozione internazionale dell’arte italiana della Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea del Ministero della Cultura. 

Incontro organizzato in collaborazione con: Museo delle Civiltà, Afrosartorialism, B&W-Black&White - The Migrant Trend, Università IUAV Venezia, Moleskine Foundation, Politecnico di Milano.

Nel contesto dell'allestimento Museo delle Opacità 



Invito Decolonizing the Gaze Talk 1








Venerdi 24 Marzo 14,00, Auditorium Santa Margherita, Venezia


Safety Instructions” proiezione all'interno della rassegna "Lo sguardo sospeso" parte del  Ca' Foscari Short Film Festival dal 22 al 25 marzo. Per la 13° edizione dello Short Film Festival, il programma “Lo sguardo sospeso”, vetrina dedicata alla videoarte italiana, continua ad attingere all’Archivio Videoart Yearbook, portando alla luce opere video - performative realizzate tra il 2005 e il 2011. A cura di Elisabetta Di Sopra.


Programma: Info


 Schermata 2023-03-15 alle 11.34.56

  "Safety Instructions", performer Marie Goeminne










10 March 2023 - 16 April 2023 "Atlas Proxima" by Nation25 is part of the Exhibition "When the Moon Waxes Red" Spazju Kreattiv La Valletta Malta


Curator: Maren Richter Exhibition design: Keit Bonnici Project Management: Ambra Anselmo. Artists: Ursula Biemann, Seba Calfuqueo, DIS Collective, Charlene Galea, Romea Roxman Gatt, Folly Feast Lab (Yara Feghali and Viviane El Kmati), Crystn Hunt Akron, Sasha Huber, Nation25 (Elena Abbiatici, Valeria D’Ambrosio and Caterina Pecchioli), Daniela Ortiz, Kanthy Peng, Robertina Šebjanič and Bartolina Xixa.

Nation25 is supported by Istituto Italiano di Cultura la Valletta Info: LINK



Atlas Proxima Salticetus courtesy Nation25

 "Atlas Proxima - Salticetus" by Nation25, Courtesy Nation25






Beast Mother: il simposio. Arte, maternità e femminismo

Sabato 12 novembre 2022, alle ore 16.00, AlbumArte, Centro di produzione artistica indipendente, presenterà, insieme al duo di artiste Grossi Maglioni (Francesca Grossi e Vera Maglioni), Beast Mother: il simposio. Arte, maternità e femminismo, un dialogo intergenerazionale tra Mariuccia Secol e Manuela Gandini e The Glorious Mothers (Sara Basta, Cristina Cusani, Grossi Maglioni - Francesca Grossi e Vera Maglioni - Mariana Ferratto, Caterina Pecchioli, Dafne Salis e Miriam Secco).








Opening: Sabato 7 maggio 2022 / ore 15 - 20
Bosco di Corniola - Loc. Corniola
Via di Castagneto, Empoli
7 maggio / 7 giugno 2022
Artists: Juan Pablo Macías / David Casini / Enrico Vezzi / Olga Pavlenko / Francesco Fossati / Rachel Morellet / Caterina Pecchioli / Eva Sauer / Justin Randolph Thompson / Barbara Fluvi / Caterina Sbrana / Shilha Cintelli / Lucie Mesuret

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Saturday 26 November 2022 - Bologna DAMSLab - TerravivaFilmFestival 

16.30 Terra Viva Film Festival, Round Table on Fashion and Sostainability as B&W, Black&White, The Migrant Trend spokenperson.  

COLORE GIALLO: Interesse e conflitti Modera: Tania Gianesin (Fondazione Moleskine). La Moda, lo spreco, l’impatto sull’ambiente, il vero costo dei nostri abiti, verso una economia circolare, riuso e moda sostenibile al centro del dibattito. Intervengono: prof.ssa Roberta Paltrinieri (Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi, Università di Bologna), prof.ssa Simona Segre Reinach (Fashion Studies, Università di Bologna), Caterina Pecchioli (B&W-Black&White), Veronica Veronesi e Simona Manzone (co-fondatrici Reuse with Love), Erica Brunetti (Trama Plaza), Júlia G Escribà (fashion designer e fondatorice, Themednew) e Susanna Leonelli (Tex-Med Alliances), Gaia Trussardi (imprenditrice). Monologo dell’attrice e autrice Paola Michelini: Less is more.

02OK ESEC Terraviva FilmFestival banner






I am delighted to be included among the amaizing artists of the Broken Archive platform, created and curated by Villa Romana. The Broken Archive brings together artistic projects that investigate the history of and present-day life in the Mediterranean region. I am present with a selection of works, some made by me as an independent artist, and others with the Nation25 collective. Thanks for this invitation to Angelika Stepken, Agnes Stillger, Davood Madadpoor. Info:

Schermata 2021-10-29 alle 10.56.18







Online the website of the project B&W-Black&White, The Migrant Trend.


The project, initiated and art directed by Caterina Pecchioli within the collective Nation25 in 2019 was developed with A.I.Artisanal Intelligence and Fum Studio, establishing itself as APS (Social Promotion Association) in 2021.


For info:




BW website




18 th May - 22nd June 2021 - Poster "Verissima" for Once upon a Dams, Bologna curated by CHEAP

Info: LINK

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"Verissima - Piazza S.Giovanni di Dio, Roma" Poster 2021, via D'Azeglio, Bologna. photo Margherita Caprilli






31 July 2020 Abbracci/Hugs - Microsculptures and Photo series. Part of the Project Basic Necessities invited by SpazioY (Italia),Nation2.0 (UAE – Emirati Arabi Uniti), ABC_Artcollective Editions Mincione (Italy-Belgium). 

On Repubblica Gallery Link

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10th December 2019 9.30 - 12.30 Artist Talk on "Arte e Moda, Pensare per Immagini" at I.I.S.S. Piaget-Diaz, Via Taranto 59T, Roma

Schermata 2019-12-10 a 11.24.29






25th June - 7th July 2019 and 1st-13th October 2019

"B&W - Black&White, The migrant trend" Art director of the project organized with Nation25. In collaboration with A.I. Artisanal Intelligence and FUM (First Unknown Myself) Studio with Atelier Trame LibereTalking Hands - con le mani mi racconto, A.I. Artisanal Intelligence, Moleskine Foundation, MACRO- Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Roma, Francesco de Luca-Commessofotografo. Supported by Progetto Agata Smeralda Onlus. Sponsor: Puntoseta

4th - 5th July 2019 B&W project will be at A.I Artisanal Intelligence for AltaRoma 2019






31st May - 2nd June 2019 - "Numbers" (photo serie) will be part of Grenze Arsenali Fotografici, Festival Off, Ex chiesa S.Pietro in Monastero, Verona.

Curated by Simone Azzoni, Francesca Marra and Arianna Novaga.


03 cimitero lampedusa piccola


 "Numeri (Numbers), photo series  of 27 shots, Lampedusa 2011. On the tombs of migrants at the Lampedusa cemetery we do not find the photo and the name of the deceased, but only a number written with a blue spray.Not knowing the identity of those who did not make it through the Mediterranean, the only reference it is a number on the tomb, sometimes accompanied by the date of landing. Those who die in the Mediterranean become a number, a statistic, an anonymous factor, sparsonalized even in front of death.







May 23, 2019 h10.00 and h 12.00 - Screenings of the film "Talking Hands" in the occasion of the day of legality, MACRO Asilo, Museum of Contemporary Art, Roma. Info:

01 mani nostre - talking hands Low

© Caterina Pecchioli, Talking Hands, still from the film








May 2 - 16, 2019 "Embodying Borders"'s Poster made by Nation25 in coll. with Kinkaleri will be part of the show Manifesto | iconografie dell'indipendenza a show of posters blighting in the city of Turin. Organized and supported by NESXTSpazio YMercato Centrale Torino











5th April - 5th May 2019 "Exercise V" from Embodying Borders. Exercise V is the latest evolution of the Project Embodying Borders by Nation25 developed in coll. with Kinkaleri for Penta Space

"Exercise V" transforms the performative experience into an emergency signal and invites to train a physical exercise of trust and solidarity in a society where they are put "at risk".
Penta Space powered by Valeria D'Ambrosio and Federico Niccolai
Viale Filippo Strozzi, 16 Rosso - FIRENZE

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13th December 2018 - 9th January 2019 "Atlas Proxima" project by Nation25 on science fiction and imaginative studies on the conformation of the earth and of marine species evolutions in 250 million years from now. Exhibition at Strozzi Room at the Natural History Museum of the University of Florence. Part of the project Whale Hub - #Undersea, curated by Valeria D'Ambrosio.. INFO:

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photo: Stefania Mattioli





13th December 2018, 3.30pm presentation of "Atlas Proxima" with Nation25 in coll. with Sarah C. Colner. Aula Magna Florence University. Part of the Project Whale Hub - #Undersea, Curated by Valeria D'Ambrosio at Museum of Natural History of Florence, with Tethys Research Institute. Supported by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio. INFO:

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photo: Stefania Mattioli




8 November 2018, Talk about my practice at Palazzo Strozzi in Florence, in the context of the educational project "Performing for the Camera" in occasion of Marina Abramovic exhibition "The Cleaner".



Schermata 2018-11-12 a 22.43.35









12 - 18 October 2018, Social Choreography at Theatre Art Verona, curated by Simone Azzoni in collaboration with Centro Luigi di Sarro. Social Choreography is a production by Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio.




 Caterina Pecchioli Social Choreography foto Veronica Citi

Social Choreogaphy © Caterina Pecchioli, photo Veronica Citi






Artist in Residence:

24th-30th September 2018 Artist in Residence with Nation25 in the Thetys Research in the SANTUARIO PELAGOS at Mediterranean SEA.

For the project Whale Hub - #Undersea, Curated by Valeria D'Ambrosio at Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence, Tethys Research Institute. Supported by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio. INFO:



Collage © Caterina Pecchioli






23th September 2018 Colazione D'Artista - (artist's breakfast) by Caterina Pecchioli with contributions by Pamela Barberi, Lisa Batacchi, Eva Sauer and Virginia Zanetti.

Event part of the official program of the festival "The Legacy of Women" with the artistic direction of Serena Dandini.

800px-Edouard Manet - Luncheon on the Grass - Google Art Project   Schermata 2018-09-18 a 15.04.31



28th July 2018 "Alan is Present" at Goleb, Amsterdam.

alan is present t



24th March "Passenger 1 from Mani Nostre/ Talking Hands", shotlisted at VAA VIDEO ART AWARD, screened at Italian Art Day at Philippi, Cape Town. Organized by Centro Luigi Di Sarro con l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Pretoria.

01 mani nostre - talking hands Low



Numeri/Numbers, photo serie and interview published in the June issue 2018 of the online photographic magazine Click Magazine.



16th November - 16th January 2018 "Numeri" photo series at Group Exhibition "Io sono persona" curated by Kitti Bolognesi, Giovanna Calvenzi and Marta Posani.The inaugural exhibition of the International Center of Photography of Palermo with the direction of Letizia Battaglia.

with: Alberto Amoretti, Isabella Balena, Valentino Bellini/Eileen Quinn, Antonio Biasiucci, Giovanni Chiaramonte, Ilaria Crosta/Niccolò Hébel, Alfredo D’Amato, Nicolò Degiorgis, Gabriele Galimberti, Marco Garofalo, Francesco Giusti, Alessandro Grassani, Giovanni Hänninen, Mimmo Jodice, Andrea Kunkl, Uliano Lucas, Francesco Malavolta, Dario Mitidieri, Cristina Omenetto, Caterina Pecchioli, Alessandro Penso, Simone Perolari, Giulio Piscitelli, Agnese Purgatorio, Francesco Radino, Rocco Rorandelli, Luca Rotondo, Emanuele Satolli, Ferdinando Scianna, Alessandro Scotti, Massimo Sestini, Fabrizio Villa, Massimo Vitali, Francesco Zizola.

c/o Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa - padiglione 18, via Paolo Gili 4, Palermo

Catalogue edited by Drago, Rome.


03 cimitero lampedusa piccola

"Numeri (Numbers), photo series  of 27 shots, Lampedusa 2011. On the tombs of migrants at the Lampedusa cemetery we do not find the photo and the name of the deceased, but only a number written with a blue spray.Not knowing the identity of those who did not make it through the Mediterranean, the only reference it is a number on the tomb, sometimes accompanied by the date of landing. Those who die in the Mediterranean become a number, a statistic, an anonymous factor, sparsonalized even in front of death.


Open Studio/ Performance:

14th October h 17-19 "Alan is Present" Open Studio during RAW Rome Art Week.

at Studio 420, Circonvallazione Gianicolense 420, Roma.

Alan is present taglio

'Ele, Forse è meglio che te lo dica'.

Era gennaio, sul tram 3 nel lungo tragitto di ritorno dalla Gnam, all'altezza del Colosseo, nel punto dove - oltrepassati molti kilometri - se non ti coglie la stanchezza, può la noia o la confidenza. Non sono nausee normali...' mi dice con uno sguardo eloquente. E il pensiero si sospende e si fa largo, come la vita. Guadagna il suo spazio e si mescola ad un'emozione ancora vacua, ma che forse ha già capito che il miracolo dei miracoli è avvenuto. La verità è che i miracoli avvengono, ogni secondo e sono fatti di cellule in movimento. 

Nei sistemi simbiotici gli accadimenti dell'uno non prescindono l'altro. 
La gravidanza è forse il più palese degli esempi di reciproca influenza fra le parti. E succede che quando ad essere incinta è un'artista, artista lo diventa inevitabilmente anche il feto. O forse è l'opera d'arte interna, che nata acquista uno statuto autonomo e una sua ulteriore coscienza artistica tanto da decidere i tempi di una performance?

Smembrando e ribaltando le parti, siete invitati a godervi l'ospite d'onore
Alan is present

testo di Elena Abbiatici


Project and presentation:

18th-21st September, I will take part with Nation25 and The Nationless Pavilion in "Mahalla Festival" Parallel Event of 15th Istanbul Biennial. In this context we will bring on the project Fondaco Futuro.

Excursion: September 18-20  - 11.00am - Presentation by Elena Abbiatici September 21st  - 3pm





Mahalla is the first festival of an emerging network of global players working in the field of arts and culture focusing on the current migration flow. The festival takes place in the frame of parallel events of the 15th Istanbul Biennial between September 13 and October 20.

Fondaco Futuro is an itinerant project started in Venice by Nation25 for the 3rd Edition of the NationlessPavilion 2017.
Nation25 examines the model of Funduq (Kervansaray, Han), born in the X century as a place of accommodation and exchange of goods for the different cultures bordering on the Mediterranean. The Funduq is taken as a tool to reactivate the network that has developed over the centuries in the Mediterranean through an exchange of thought and not thanks to monetary economics. For a re-reading of the background between past history and future perspective.





18th July 2017, 9.30 pm, "Mani Nostre" at Cinema Castello, Florence, Italy.

Via Reginaldo Giuliani 374, Florence. Info:


Schermata 2017-07-18 a 17.42.10



Mani Nostre / Talking Hands


Talking Hands is a story suspended between reality and poetry. A train ride through Italy from north to south to investigate the relationship of its inhabitants with legality and corruption. What results is a composite picture, where are the hands of the respondents to tell the stories, along a track that alternates the reality of the documentary with the abstraction of video art. (Beatrice Rinaldi - indie-eye)


Director: Caterina Pecchioli Cinematography: Aimée Zito Lema, Caterina Pecchioli. Editing: Aline Amélie Bonvin, Caterina Pecchioli. Original Film Score: Juan Felipe Waller
, Sound Design & Mix: Giacomo Vitullo







5th July 9. 15 pm, Piazza S. Cosimato, Roma, Italy
The film "Mani Nostre / Talking Hands" is screen in the context of the Festival Trastevere Rione del Cinema taking part to the Angelo di Castro award, organized by the Ragazzi del Piccolo Cinema America.

MANI NOSTRE locandina web f

Mani Nostre / Talking Hands

Talking Hands is a story suspended between reality and poetry. A train ride through Italy from north to south to investigate the relationship of its inhabitants with legality and corruption. What results is a composite picture, where are the hands of the respondents to tell the stories, along a track that alternates the reality of the documentary with the abstraction of video art. (Beatrice Rinaldi - indie-eye)


Director: Caterina Pecchioli Cinematography: Aimée Zito Lema, Caterina Pecchioli. Editing: Aline Amélie Bonvin, Caterina Pecchioli. Original Film Score: Juan Felipe Waller
, Sound Design & Mix: Giacomo Vitullo






8 April 2017 4pm - 6pm "Alien Land" Laboratory for children and adults, held together with Stalker/Noworking on the real and imaginary journeys. The lab develops from my video "Neverland" and the drawings of Rudina Hoxhaj of futuristic houses.

Part of Xeneide, AuditoriumArte, Parco della Musica, Roma

info: /


Schermata 2017-04-06 a 14.34.10


Still "Neverland" © Caterina Pecchioli


Presentation and screening:

6 April 2017, 17h -20h "Neverland / L'Isola che non c'è" part of "EPICS: migration and living through the artistic practice", a dialogue on art and travel with Mohamed Keita, Morteza Hosseini, Alice Schivardi, Caterina Pecchioli, AMM - Archivio delle memorie migranti, CivicoZero.

Part of the program Xeneide, AuditoriumArte, Parco della Musica, Roma

info: 06-80241281


Online Film Program:

9 February 2017 - 9 May 2017: "Neverland" and "Chalk Line" part of "Eyes wide open", a selection of video on migration and border crossing organized by Gravity for All - Artists' network without borders and Villa Romana.

Online on VIMEO:

Full program:

Chalk Line:


kJqvOe-88tLIh1YK47a8 9EmX2odTPqW6MghYY8w4S6scAe IsR1G4tiIHz1XRNGKmSNJre-9CjUXfMpQTHcfy8ojGYOZD KD3ga1j6veM479aq7pMWb5w9EF1cDEVSxSh8wMhaILY8EA59pQPg4 TSi-2-jYspOnTokhxos0-d-e1-ft



"Talking Hands / Mani Nostre" is shortlisted for the " Professional Award" the prices for the best documentaries of the year produced in Italy.

The film is produced by Dugong and co-produce by Shoot&Post. 

Cinematography: Aimée Zito Lema, Caterina Pecchioli. Editing: Aline Amélie Bonvin, Caterina Pecchioli. Original Film Score: Juan Felipe Waller
, Sound Design & Mix: Giacomo Vitullo

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26 November 2016, 3pm  World Premiere of my film "Talking Hands / Mani Nostre" for the "Italian Competition" at the 57° Festival dei Popoli.

The film is produced by Dugong and co-produce by Shoot&Post. 

Cinematography: Aimée Zito Lema, Caterina Pecchioli. Editing: Aline Amélie Bonvin, Caterina Pecchioli. Original Film Score: Juan Felipe Waller
, Sound Design & Mix: Giacomo Vitullo

01 The Ethics of the Boot

Still "Mani Nostre / Talking Hands" © Caterina Pecchioli



10 November 2016, 6 pm we will take part with Nation25 and The Nationless Pavilion in the Round Table: Gravity for All an initiative by Villa Romana, Centro Pecci Prato,




17 September 2016, 14 -18 h, Greek Pavilion, 15 Biennale Architettura, Giardini, Venice.

I will take part with Nation25 and The Nationless Pavilion in "Exile Europa".

In this occasion I will introduce the art work "Pangea"by Nation25 (Sara Alberani, Elena Abbiatici and Caterina Pecchioli).

Pangea is an imaginative map born from the reconfiguration of different states, that, as emerged continents, are returning on their primary and unitary form. This image of reunited continents rises up many questions "and answers" on the way we are actually dealing with migrations and human rights.

Exile Europa info:







embodying borders taglio 2

27th May 2016 h 20.00 "Embodying Borders, first studio" performance with Marco Mazzoni, a coll. between Nation25 (Caterina Pecchioli, Sara Alberani and Elena Abbiatici), Kinkaleri and Nadia Arouri. Presented by The Nationless Pavilion in the context of "Spaces of Exeption" Performance Night by Sale Docks, Magazzini del Sale, Dorsoduro 265, Venice.

28th May 2016 "Embodying Borders, first studio" comes to light in a site-specific manner in the path of the Biennale Urbana in collaboration with Stalker and the Uruguay Pavilion, Reboot Project at Uruguay Pavilion, Giardini, Venice.

The performance was developed during a residency period at SpazioK, Prato.

photos and more: Nation25
+ THE BODY AS METHOD by Nation25:




Video Screening:

21st April - 20th May 2016 "Chalk Line" at Aesthetic of  Power a carte blanche curated by Denis Maksimov on Ikono tv. Watch on

Video Works by: Amir Yatziv, Sara Tirelli and Elena Mazzi, Caterina Pecchioli and Benjamin Verhoeven.

Schermata 2016-04-24 a 22.31.58




7-9 August 2015 "Social Choreography / Coreografia Sociale" at Festival Why Not at Tolhuistuin in Amsterdam. Info:


 Caterina Pecchioli Social Choreography foto Veronica Citi

Social Choreogaphy photo Veronica Citi


For WhyNot I will adapt Social Choreography to the garden context of the Tolhuistuin. Social Choreography is an interactive installation with chairs, in which the audience becomes involved in an open-ended performative exchange. I invite the audience to play with simple positions in space and daily dynamics. The performance creates a space to experiment and reflect on how simple gestures can influence the emotional, social and power relations between each other.


"The viewer is asked to occupy several often diametrically opposed roles – parent, child, chairman, member of a professional group, and in the most generic sense – performer, spectator. This displaced re-enactment of habitual patterns of behaviours allows the visitor to become aware of slipping in and out of different social roles. At the same time actions like - explaining, listening, praying or waiting are deprived of their usual meaning, and can be re-enacted, objectified, experimented with." (Alena Alexandrova)


Produced by Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio, Lucca



6.05 - 22.11 2015 – Venice 


A process to represent the 25th Nation

Curatorial team: Sara Alberani, Elena Abbiatici, Caterina Pecchioli

Scientific Committee: Gregory Beals, Francesco Martone

Nationless Pavilion



FILM/Selection Doc Lab:

"Talking Hands / Mani Nostre" my creative documentary project is selected at the DOC LAB organized by Middle East Now in cooperation with Greenhouse  Documentary Institute and with FST – Fondazione Sistema Toscana and Festival dei Popoli.

press kit


01 The Ethics of the Boot

Still "Mani Nostre / Talking Hands" © Caterina Pecchioli 




Performance Finissage Exhibition:

6.12.2014 "La Pagina Bianca" Performance in tre capitoli di Caterina Pecchioli e Cesare Pietroiusti in occasione del Finissage di Sedeo Ergo Sum 3.0 a cura di Abbiatici_Levy. Dalle 20.00 alle 00.00. Label201 Roma. 

6.12.2014 “La Pagina Bianca / The White Page” by Caterina Pecchioli and Cesare Pietroiusti in occasion of the finissage of Sedeo Ergo Sum 3.0 curated by Abbiatici_Levy. From 20.00 till 00.00. Label201 Rome.



finissage sedeoergosum3.0 la pagina bianca Label201



performance in 3 capitoli 
di Caterina Pecchioli e Cesare Pietroiusti
con la partecipazione di Cristina Bonaventura
La performance si basa sull’associazione metaforica tra la sedia vuota (protagonista della serie fotografica in mostra) e la pagina bianca. Entrambi gli oggetti, concepiti per accogliere qualcosa o qualcuno, divengono significanti anche attraverso la mancanza di questo, per un'assenza che si fa, paradossalmente, presenza. Come sottolinea  Terrence W. Deacon in “Natura Incompleta. Come la mente è emersa dalla materia”, ci sono alcune assenze che sono essenziali per accedere alla comprensione della natura umana. Deacon definisce questi fattori assenziali. "Nostalgia, desiderio, passione, appetito, lutto, aspirazione - sono tutti basati su un'analoga intrinseca incompletezza, un 'essere privi' che di essi è parte integrante". La sedia vuota e la pagina bianca offrono la possibilità di riflessioni che non si rivelano in una dimensione di “pieno”; allo stesso modo la scoperta dello zero, sempre con Deacon: “è stata uno dei massimi progressi della storia della matematica. Disporre di un simbolo che designasse la mancanza di una quantità (…) ha trasformato il concetto stesso di numero, e rivoluzionato i processi di calcolo”. Così come la distribuzione di sedie vuote, in uno spazio dato, è la “scenografia” di una particolare forma di socialità, avvenuta o a venire, che immaginiamo anche senza assistervi, la pagina bianca è il luogo dove il segno, linguistico o pittorico, sta per (o, a volte, non riesce ad) apparire, così come il luogo da cui il segno è stato cancellato. La pagina bianca è quindi lo spazio simbolico dell'attesa, della perdita e della memoria, dell'impossibilità e della potenzialità illimitata.
performance in 3 chapters
by Caterina Pecchioli and Cesare Pietroiusti
with the participation by Cristina Bonaventura
The performance is based on the association between the empty chair (the protagonist of the photographic series in the exhibition) and the white page. Both objects, designed to host something or someone, become as well meaningful through the lack of this, for an absence that becomes, paradoxically, presence.
As emphasized Terrence W. Deacon in "Incomplete Nature. How Mind Emerged from Matter", there are some absences that are essential to the understanding of human nature. Deacon defines these factors “absential”. "Longing, desire, passion, appetite, mourning, loss, aspiration – all are based on an analogous intrinsic incompleteness, an integral without-ness that is an integral part of them." The empty chair and white page offer the possibility of reflections that do not reveal themselves in a dimension of "full"; likewise the discovery of zero, with Deacon, "was one of the greatest advances in the history of mathematics. Have a symbol that designate the lack of a quantity (...) has transformed the concept of a number, and revolutionized the process of calculation."
As well as the distribution of empty chairs, in a given space, is the "scenography" of a particular form of social relations that we imagine even without seeing it, the blank page is the place where the sign, linguistic or pictorial, is going to appear, as well as the place from which the sign has been deleted. The white page is then the symbolic space of waiting, loss, memory, inability and of unlimited potential.

documentation of the performance Label201 6.12.2014



Exhibition / Mostra:


29.11.2014 – 31.12.2014 "Neverland, L'isola che non c'è", video per "Diario di bordo: Dolci speranze" a cura di Pamela Barberi. Inaugurazione sabato 29 novembre ore 17.30. Pistoia info• 


29.11.2014 – 31.12.2014 "Neverland, L'isola che non c'è", two channal video at "Diario di bordo: Dolci speranze". Curated by Pamela Barberi. Opening Saturday 29 November h 17.30. Pistoia Info• 


with: Gabriele Abruzzese, Andrea d'Amore, Massimo Nannucci, Caterina Pecchioli, Andreas Schwarzkopf




Still Neverland due schermi


Neverland / L’Isola che non c’è

Video installazione su due schermi Durata: 4 min 34 sec. (loop) Anno: 2013

Prodotto nel contesto del progetto “Controcarretta della Speranza”, Pantelleria.

Il video mostra un’azione di andata e di ritorno in loop. "Ho scelto di ripetere io stessa quello che è ed è stato il cammino di molti migranti sulla costa di Pantelleria, nel punto della costa che Garzia Marquez descrive come paesaggio lunare. Nasce attraverso questa azione un video sulla migrazione come ricerca costante di un luogo reale ed immaginario dove “approdare”. Il terreno instabile delle rocce vulcaniche rende l’azione complessa, come complesso è il percorso che porta a partire e a tornare, in una costante ricerca di un luogo e di se stessi"

Neverland / L'isola che non c'è

two channel video installation, duration: 4' 34'' loop

Produced in the context of  the project "CCDS - Controcarretta della Speranza", Pantelleria, 2013.

The video shows an action of "go and back" in a loop. In the action I am climbing the cost of the island of Pantelleria (Sicily) where hundreds of migrants have been and still are disembarking every year. The landscape appears as a moon land, as Garzia Marquez has been describing it. The black vulcanic rocks, sharp and unstable, are bringing the climbing action challenging as challenging is to leave the known toward something unknown in a constant search of a place and of yourself.



20 November 2014 "GIGLIO" World Premiere at the Cairo Video Festival مهرجان القاهرة السادس للفيديو ‪#‎6thCVF‬ Medrar مدرار . "GIGLIO" is a short film I made on the tragedy of the Costa Concordia 

Screening 20 Nov / Thursday _ Gezira Art Center more info•

الخميس 20 نوفمبر 
مركز الجزيرة للفنون 
كاترينا بتشيولي، جيجليو، إيطاليا،

Still Giglio 02

still from GIGLIO by Caterina Pecchioli 2013


On January the 13, 2012 at 21.45 the massive cruise ship Costa Concordia under command of captain Schettino, crashed into a rock and capsized near the Tuscan Island of Giglio, Italy, killing 32 people. The giant cruise shipwreck, lying on its side next to the cost, became a part of the Giglio Island landscape. The film does not focus on a reconstruction of the event but shows the paradoxical situation created by the coexistence of the Island’s daily life during a summer day, and the presence of this immense and colourful carcass. This surreal image brings at the same time a co-presence of death and life, being and disappearing, happiness and tragedy. The film plays with the thin line that separates them and makes more tangible how fast can one change into the other. 
The film, in a form between video art and documentary, focuses on the silence, memory and loss, and absurdity of this kind of tragedies. The people entering the ship in the film are exactly 32 as the victims of the accident to whom the film is dedicated.
Director/Camera/Editing: Caterina Pecchioli Country: Italy 2013 
Production: Produzioni Dugong Credits: Guardia Costiera Isola del Giglio




 30 ottobre - 6 dicembre 2014 Sedeo Ergo Sum 3.0 di Caterina Pecchioli con Subodh Kerkar e Naoya Takahara a cura di Abbiatici_Levy, Label201, Via Portuense 201-Roma.

In mostra la serie fotografica "Sedeo Ergo Sum" e per l'opening "Coreografia Sociale". 

Inaugura con la mostra anche la piattaforma partecipativa facebook Sedeo Ergo Sum 3.0 

Opening giovedi 30 ottobre ore 19.00 in occasione di PORTUENSE201 Open Studios” 


30 Ocotber - 6 December 2014 Sedeo Ergo Sum 3.0 with Subodh Kerkar e Naoya Takahara curated by Abbiatici_Levy, Label201, Via Portuense 201- Roma. In the show the photographic serie "Sedeo Ergo Sum" and during the opening "Social Choreography". 

Opening 30th October  19.00h 

More info and a participatory platform on FB page Sedeo Ergo Sum 3.0 

 invito Sedeo ergo sum 3.0 Label201 def





29 October 2014 "Social Choreography / Coreografia Sociale" at Festival Why Not, at Pllek, NDSM, Amsterdam.

 3  Caterina Pecchioli Coreografia Sociale Installazione interattiva foto Veronica Citi 02  logo-whynot-only




 21 settembre  - 12 ottobre 2014 Memorie Stratificate di Caterina Pecchioli, con la partecipazione di Carlo Pepi per Scambi di memorie. Dal Solstizio all'Equinozio Mostra collettiva a cura di M.Francesca Pepi. Inaugurazione domenica 21 settembre ore 16.00 - 22.30 Fattoria di Montelisi – piazza C. Battisti, 9 Crespina (PISA) Info:

21 September to 12 October 2014 Layered Memories by Caterina Pecchioli with the participation of Carlo Pepi 
in the context of Exchanges of memories. From the Solstice to the Equinox. Group exhibition curated by Pepi M.Francesca. Info
Citizen Kane
Memorie Stratificate 
di Caterina Pecchioli

"... questa collezione non dice il suo passato, lo contiene, come le linee d’una mano, 
scritto nei soggetti dei quadri, nel loro stile, negli schizzi preparatori, nelle note di ricerca dei quaderni, negli appunti, 
nei ritagli di giornale sulle vite e sulle morti, nelle omissioni e presenze, nelle storie orali, nei segni, nelle tecniche, 
nei colori, frammenti, sovrapposizioni." La collezione e la memoria 3. (C. Pecchioli)

Pecchioli ricostruisce in un percorso a tempo di 15 minuti per 5 spettatori per volta, una invisibile città della memoria, attraverso l’eccezionale stratificazione di fonti, opere d’arte e materiali di archivio di una collezione precisa, quella ospitata a Montelisi, a cui ha dato vita il collezionista Carlo Pepi, nel corso di lunghi anni.
Narrazioni e ricordi stessi del suo primo depositario diventano fonte di ispirazione e parte viva, interagente di un’originalissima “mappa a memoria” pensata da Pecchioli tra le stanze e le carte, le lettere, gli appunti, i ritagli di giornale, andando a comporre per un preciso quadro temporale, una nuova pulsante stratificazione dell’archivio accompagnata dalle notazioni personali dell’artista ispirata dai celebri racconti di Calvino. Niente a che vedere con visite guidate, la presenza del collezionista si configura, nella ricomposizione dell’artista, come una suggestiva ed autorevole voce narrante che dà respiro alle carte sottraendole dalla loro potenziale inerzia. 
M. F. Pepi

Immagine: Still dal film "Quarto Potere" di Orson Wells, dove la collezione di Mr.Kane appare come una città vista dall'alto.


Layered Memories 
by Caterina Pecchioli 
"... This collection does not tell its past, it contains it as the lines of an hand, 
written in the subjects of the paintings, in their style, in the preparatory sketches, in the notes and clipboard, 
in the newspapers about their lives and deaths, in the omissions and in the presences, in oral histories, signs, techniques, colors, fragments and overlapping." The Collection and the Memory 3 (C. Pecchioli) 
Pecchioli reconstructs an invisible city of memory, during a journey of 15 minutes for 5 viewers at a time, through the unique layering of sources, works of art and archival materials of a precise collection, housed in Montelisi, created by the collector Carlo Pepi, in the course of many years. 
Narratives and memories of her first depositary become source of inspiration and a living part. Pecchioli designed an original "memory map" of the rooms and the cards, letters, memos, newspaper clippings, that are going to compose for a specific time frame, a new stratified archive. This is also accompanied by Pecchioli notations inspired by the famous novels of Italo Calvino. Nothing to do with a guided tour, the presence of the collector is configured as an evocative and influential narrator who makes the papers breathing and subtract them from their potential inertia. 
M. F. Pepi
Image: Still from "Citizen Kane" by Orson Wells where Mr.Kane's collection appears as a city view from above.


12 arile - 28 settembre 2014 "Sedeo Ergo Sum - Siedo dunque sono", la serie fotografica costituisce una "Scenografia degli spazi sociali" come suggerisce Alena Alexandrova nel testo critico di accompagnamento alla mostra. SPE Spazio Performatico ed Espositivo,Tenuta Dello Scompiglio, Lucca. 


12 April - 28 September 2014 "Sedeo Ergo Sum - I sit, therefore I am", the photo serie represents as a "Scenography of social spaces" as Alena Alexandrova suggest on her critical text that accompanies the exhibiton. Info SPE Spazio Performatico ed Espositivo, Tenuta Dello Scompiglio, Lucca.



TV Interview:


RepubblicaTV - intervista nel contesto di "Home Theatre", MAAM - Museo dell'Altro e dell'Altrove, Metropoliz, 16 maggio 2014, Roma, tra gli intervistati anche Giorgio De Finis, Giovanni Albanese e Carolyn Christov Bakargiev.

- Short Interview by RepubblicaTV in the context of ""Home Theatre", MAAM-Museo dell'Altro e dell'Altrove, Metropoliz,16 May 2014, Rome, together with Giorgio De Finis, Giovanni Albanese and Carolyn Christov Bakargiev.

Schermata 2014-05-19 a 12.02.34







- 12 arile - 27 luglio 2014 Inaugurazione "Sedeo Ergo Sum" (serie fotografica) - "Coreografia Sociale" (installazione interattiva) e "Sedia Fossile, Dinosediasauro" (scultura) per "In Relazione" mostra a cura Dello Scompiglio che include inoltre i lavori di Cecilia Bertoni, Claire Guerrier, Carl G. Beukman e f.marquespenteado. Il percorso espositivo "Sedeo ErgoSum" è accompagnato dal testo critico "La Sedia Vertebra" di Alena Alexandrova. SPE Spazio Performatico ed Espositivo, Tenuta Dello Scompiglio, Lucca. La mostra fotografica sarà visibile fino al 28 settembre 2014.


- 12 April - 27 July 2014 Opening "Sedeo Ergo Sum - I sit, therefore I am" - "Social Choreography" and "Chair-fossils, Dinochairsaurus" at "In Relazione" show curated by Dello Scompiglio. The exhibition will include works by Cecilia Bertoni, Claire Guerrier, Carl G. Beukman and f.marquespenteado. Sedeo Ergo Sum show is accompanied by a critical text "The Chair Vertebra" by Alena Alexandrova. Info SPE Spazio Performatico ed Espositivo, Tenuta Dello Scompiglio, Lucca.



scompiglio per web

 © Caterina Pecchioli, "Teatro Valle Occupato, Roma 2013" dalla serie "Sedeo Ergo Sum" 





- 16 maggio 2014 "Linea di Gesso" per "Home Theatre", Prima Rassegna di Video Arte Domestica, MAAM_Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove di Metropoliz_città meticcia, Roma. via Prenestina 913.


Il mio video partecipa alla sezione "DIS-SENSO" a cura di Mattia Pellegrini che include inoltre i lavori di  Nico Angiuli, Rossella Biscotti, Nuria Guell, Adelita Husni-Bey, Laura Lovatel, Federica Menin (con la collaborazione di Zoe Paul), Luca Musacchio, Giancarlo Norese, Adrian Paci, Leandro Varela.

Sette le sezioni della rassegna a cura di Lorena Benatti, Giorgio de Finis, Donatella Giordano, Mattia Pellegrini, Donatella Pinocci, Davide Ricco, Olivia Spatola.

La Rassegna fa parte dell'evento MAAM_BANLIEUSART (L’ARTE INCONTRA I MOVIMENTI) che sarà aperto da Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev alle 10.30.


- Il 25 maggio 2014 "Home Theatre" si ripeterà al “4 stelle” occupato nell'ambito delle iniziative per il Mediterraneo Antirazzista 16.00-20.00 in via Prenestina 994.






- In occasion of the exhibition "Gelosia" by Lu Cafausu (collaborative art project by Emilio Fantin, Luigi Negro, Giancarlo Norese, Cesare Pietroiusti and Luigi Presicce) at KMD | Kunsthalle Marcel Duchamp, 26 April - 8 June 2014, the book "Besides it is Always the Others Who Die" will be published. As a central body of the book is a collective text in which I took part.


- In occasione della mostra "Gelosia" di Lu Cafausu (porgetto collettivo di Emilio Fantin, Luigi Negro, Giancarlo Norese, Cesare Pietroiusti e Luigi Presicce) al KMD | Kunsthalle Marcel Duchamp, 26 aprile - 8 giugno 2014, sarà pubblicato il libro "Besides it is always the others who die" (D'altronde sono sempre gli altri che muoiono), dove il corpo centrale è un testo collettivo a cui ho preso parte.


Buch 15 1kLu Cafausu Libro e mostra





- 5 al 28 marzo 2014 "Ca-mar, campo ricoperto d'acqua" (serie fotografica) per  "Automatismi Psichici" mostra a cura di Stefania Valente con Anna Maria Angelucci, Barbara Pellegrini e Caterina Pecchioli. Inaugurazione mercoledì 5 marzo, ore 18.00 CENTRO LUIGI DI SARRO-Via Paolo Emilio, 28 00192 - Roma


- 5-28 March 2014 "Ca-mar, underwater field" (photo serie) in "Psychic Automatism" curated by Stefania Valente, with Anna Maria Angelucci, Barbara Pellegrini and Caterina Pecchioli. Opening 5th March h18.00, CENTRO LUIGI DI SARRO-Via Paolo Emilio, 28 00192 - Roma

 Caterina Pecchioli Ca-mar stampa

"Ca-mar, campo ricoperto d'acqua", 2014




19 - 22 December 2013 "Chalk Line" video at Mind the Map & Alternative Exactitudes presented by Kunstlicht.

Launch and opening: 19 December 2013, 20:00 P////AKT, Platform for Contemporary Art, Amsterdam


Featuring: Annesas Appel, Lado Darakhvelidze, Luc Deleu-T.O.P. Office, Tim Hollander, Gert Jan Kocken, Jean Bernard Koeman, Julio Pastor, Caterina Pecchioli, Elian Somers, Adrien Tirtiaux and Sofie Van der Linden.



Chalk Line   Kunstlicht.MindtheMap.AlternativeExactitudes

"chalk line" (still)





5 Ottobre / 3 Novembre 2013 Art in Progress, Museo Nazionale di Arte Medievale e Moderna di Arezzo, organozzata  da SKA Spazi Kreativi Arezzo a cura di Danilo Sensi. Con: Ion Biga, Valentino Carrai, Michele Ciribifera, Alberto Gori, Sara Lovari, Luca Mauceri, Martina Pancrazzi, Caterina Pecchioli, Tommaso Santucci, Catherina Gynt, Carlo Trucchi.

Opening 5 ottobre ore 19,30.

Durante l'opening sarà visibile la performance Esercitazioni di Potere di Caterina Pecchioli con la partecipazione di: Valentina Brocchi, Carla Cornioli, Greta Gori, Lanfranco Marcelli, Ingrid Mattiuzzi, Giacomo Mugnaini. In mostra fino al 3 Novembre Warning Signs/Segnali di Avvertimento (Installazione site specific) e i video Angiolina detta Sputaci e David & Caterina




Residenza d'artista - Astist in Residece / Project  


1 - 18 September 2013, artist in residence in Pantelleria (Sicily) taking part to the project "CCDS" - Controcarretta Della Speranza, ideated by Simone Ialongo.

1 - 18 settembre, residenza d'artista a Pantelleria (Sicilia) per partecipare al progetto "CCDS" - Controcarretta Della Speranza, da un idea di Simone Ialongo.


24vi3hs Migrante bassa

During the residency I am working on a site specific action-video. The video shows an action of “go and back” in continuous loop. In the action I am climbing the cost of the island of Pantelleria (Sicily) where hundreds of migrants have been and still are disembarking every year. The landscape appears as a moon land, as Garzia Marquez has been describing it. It comes out from this action a video on migration as a existential condition of constant research of a real and imaginary place where to “land”. The black vulcanic rocks, sharp and unstable, are bringing the climbing action challenging as challenging is to leave the known toward something unknown in a constant search of a place and of yourself. (Video still of "Neverland / L'Isola che non c'è" by Caterina Pecchioli).







 Arte Creative Logo


14 July 2013 David & Caterina (fragment) will be part of the 12th Episode of the fiction About:Kate produced by Arte and Ulmen Television. Episode 12th  online the 14 July at 00:15  at

The integral version of David & Caterina is online on: Arte Creative.


 ABOUT-KATE          David-et-Caterina

"About:Kate"                                                                                            "David & Caterina"                           






Sabato 2 e Domenica 3 Febbraio 2013 ore 15.00-19.00 "Relazioni a Catena / Laboratorio". Workshop interdisciplinare per famiglie tenuto da Caterina Pecchioli e Costanza Givone sul tema delle relazioni interpersonali.

Info e prenotazioni: Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio tel. 0583 971475 - 3387884145  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Locandina Laboratorio





22 December 2012 Madre Guerra at Helemaal Melkweg, Melkweg Theater, Lijnbaansgracht 234a, 1017 PH Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 


 Madre Guerra
 "Madre Guerra", © Caterina Pecchioli, photo Gianmarco Bresadola






23 November - 2 December 2012 Chalk Line (video) with GOLEB during INexactly This: Festival of Independents, Kunstvlaai 2012. 

GOLEB programme is with: Hee-Seung Choi, Jeremiah Day, Jessica Dill, Jack Faber, Orphan Fairytale, Kristy Foom, Mr Grape, Roel Griffioen, Taf Hassam, Yota Ioannidou, Nick Laessing, Mirko Lazović, Foreign Legion, Dracula Lewis, Kirby Mages, Moemlien, Schedelvreter, Teresa Maria Diaz Nerio, Margarita O, Kaja Wie van der Pas, Caterina Pecchioli, Laser Poodle, Hundebiss Records, Janiv Schonfeld, Igor Sevcuk, Laura Wiedijk, Julia Willms and more


Chalk Line  logo-kunstvlaai-combi-20121GOLEB

"Chalk Line" 






20-21-21-23 November 2012 Perfettamente Imperfetta (piano piece) at "Las Idiotas" 19.00h, Salon de Danza UNAM, 04510 Ciudad de México, México. Organized by La Mecedora.


Participan: Jésica Elizondo (Mex), Bani Khoshnoudi (Ira/Mex), Caterina Pecchioli (Ita/PB), Teresa María Díaz Neiro (Dom/PB), Marta Sponzilli (Ita/Mex) y Melissa Cisneros* (Mex)



Project Participant:


15 - 18 November 2012 IDFA Academy. I have been selected to take part to the IDFA Academy with the creative documentary project: "Talking Hands /Mani Nostre". The IDFA Academy is taking place during the IDFA (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam).

1339562758 idfa12new




11 October 2012 at 21:00 Perfettamente Imperfetta (piano piece) and Carillon (video) at WHAT MOVES US organized by La Mecedora. OT301, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam.

with: Alfredo Genovesi, Alma Sua Lindenhovius, Karolina Rychlik, Caterina Pecchioli, Maria Mavridou, Teresa Maria Diaz Nerio, Sezen Tonguz, Arvind Ganga, Helen Grogan, Susan van den Berg, Maud Beurskens, Daniela Flores, Izabela Pacewicz, Carolina Mantovano, Inga Cholmogorova and Nathalie Snel, Supercity Band & Pan de Muerto.

whatmovesus site  



Project Finissage:


31 August 2012  Finissage of the project "What is Autonomy? " held by Rutger Emmelkamp. The project was carried out by a group of artists, designers, philosophers, curators, architects that have been exploring this subject from different prospectives.


Together with the art researcher and curator Alena Alexandrova I decided to show my new video 'Autonomus Object' in a dialogue with the Film 'Le film a venir' by Raùl Ruìz 1997. 


 11917-visual-crop-medium-1348685258070 11918-visual-crop-medium-1348685548792

"Carillon" still





KTV Interview in the context of the exhibition "Short, Sharp", Seoul Art Space Mullae

ktvSchermata 2015-03-01 a 00.17.47





 22 August- 2 September 2012 "Short, Sharp" Video Group Show part of the Mullae International Arts Festival. In the exhibition a selection of videos by Caterina Pecchioli, Ahn JeongYoon and Park YongSeok.

Seoul Art Space Mullae Address: 30 Mullae-dong 1ga, Yeongdeunpo-gu, Seoul 

korea img contact Map




“Beyondmemory: con Caterina Pecchioli la Sputaci diventa protagonista di un progetto artistico” di Valentina Paggini.
il Settimanale di Arezzo. Pp 24-25.

Angiolina Settimanale ArezzoAngiolina Settimanale Arezzo




"A caccia di ricordi tra 10 progetti finalisti. Caterina Pecchioli alla Marangoni" di Paola Bortolotti.
Stamp Toscana.




15 Maggio – 12 Giugno 2012 "Angiolina detta Sputaci" a Beyondmemory mostra collettiva dei 10 lavori selezionati da Giovanna Calvenzi, Daniele De Luigi e George Tatge per il Premio Beyondmemory. Mostra a cura di Marinella Paderni.

Opening 15 maggio Fondazione Marangoni, via S. Zanobi 32r, Firenze.

15 May- 12 June 2012 "Angiolina detta Sputaci" at Beyondmemory group exhibition of the 10 projects chosen by Giovanna Calvenzi, Daniele De Luigi and George Tatge for the Beyondmemory Prize. At the opening on 15 May the curator Marinella Paderni will announce her prize winner choices and present beyondmemory's catalogue.

Angiolina detta Sputaci

"Angiolina detta Sputaci"



Arte Creative

David & Caterina is online at Arte Creative.

David & Caterina

"David & Caterina"




17 November - 9 December 2011 "Chalk Line" at the group exhibition "Lines of Convergence". Kulter, Sanderijnstraat 21, Amsterdam.
Opening Thursday 17 November 17:00-20:00 with cellist Nathan Bontrager [+guest] / food.
Group Exhibition with: Zeno van der Broek | Julie Dassaud | Robbert de Goede | Jeroen Molenaar | Jorrit Paaijmans | Caterina Pecchioli

Chalk Line
"Chalk Line"




From 22 October till 22 November 2011 "Safety Instructions" at Videoart Yearbook 2011 6th edition – Festival della videoarte italiana. CRAC Cremona, B.goLoretoSP/CRAC othervision Via Loreto 1, Cremona, Italy. Curated by Renato Barilli, Alessandra Borgogelli, Paolo Granata, Silvia Grandi, Fabiola Naldi. In collaboration with Dipartimento delle Arti Visive dell’Università di Bologna.
Opening: 22th october, 6pm




20 October 2011 "Nc'era na vota", Parc de la Villette, Paris, France. Thematic evening "Perspectives documentaires" in the context of the exhibition "L'Oeil sur les rues". Info: Parc de la Villette, Paris.

With works by: Edson Barrus, Botto e Bruno, Samuel Buckman, Ferhat Özgur, Catarina Pecchioli, Emily Richardson, Meggie Schneider, Sarah Vanagt.

'Nc'era na vota' first episode
"Nc'era na vota"



Live Installation / with 44 chairs and 2 performers.

17/18 and 24/25 September 2011. "Relazioni a Catena" Associazione Culturale dello Scompiglio, Tenuta dello Scompiglio, Lucca, Italy. Performer: Costanza Givone and Marie Goeminne. Production Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio 2010.
The live installation is part of the performance program "Relazioni Interpersonali" curated by Angel Moya Garcia.

Relazione a catena
"Relazioni a Catena"




12 July 2011 "Safety Instructions" at Videoart Yearbook 2011 – Festival della videoarte italiana. Dipartimento delle Arti Visive – Università di Bologna. Piazzetta G. Morandi, 2, Bologna.




5 July 2011 h14.00 "EXIT", Black Studio of De Vrije Academie/Gemak Paviljoensgracht 20, DEN HAAG.
I have established the performance "EXIT" with the collaboration of the Belgian choreographer and dancer Marie Goeminne during a residency period at the Vrije Academie in Den Haag.
A-I-R-periode: 10 June – 5 July 2011.
Admission free
more info: Vrije Academie





23 June 2011 "David and Caterina" at Dialogue #1 Nuit Blanche. Organized by La Mecedora at the Non-sequitur Eclectic Microfestival and Eddie the Eagle Shopping Center, Magna Plaza, Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 182, Amsterdam.


David & Caterina
"David e Caterina"




11-15 May 2011 "Chalk Line" video selected for "Violenza Invisibile" FestarteVideoArtFestival.
Triennale di Milano, Viale Alemagna, 6 Milano, Italy.




5 May 2011 h21.00 "Madre Guerra", OT301, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam. Info: OT301

In the context of "Dance Shorts". An evening of short composed pieces with works by: Mariangela Tinelli, Kay Patru, Sara Agostini +Manuela Tessi, i.c.w. Colin Mc Lean and Valentina Campora, Raoul Freitas Vale, Caterina Pecchioli i.c.w. Marie Goeminne.

Madre Guerra
"Madre Guerra"



27/28 april 2011 h20.00, 30 april 2011 h19.00 "Home for Now", FFT Juta/ Kasernenstrasse 6/ Düsseldorf, info: FFT Juta

"Home for Now" Choreography and performance Karen Bößer Marie Goeminne, Coach Caterina Pecchioli Video Dirk Dietrich Hennig Music Ansgar Tappert Skypeguest Mad haPPy Technical support Jan Bashaijha Mwesigwa.

home for now




7 april 2011 “Safety InstructionsPalais Paradiso Kunst en Performance in Paradiso Editie #3: 'Undermining the standards of seriousness' curated by Jeldau Kwikkel. Deur open 20.00 uur. Info: Paradiso Amsterdam.

Met performances, installaties en video's van: Shana Moulton, Dadara, Nicole Beutler, Nina Glockner, Tara Karpinski & Cecilia Hendrikx, Sabina Maria van der Linden, Art van Triest, Avi Krispin, Caterina Pecchioli, Cheryl, Kai-Ting Lin en Tunctunctunc.


Safety Instructions
“Safety Instructions”_Performer Marie Goeminne



13 March 2011 h15.00 “Madre Guerra”, Theater Korzo, Den Haag, NL. In the context of 'All there is'.
Info and tickets Korzo

Madre Guerra


Solo Exhibition:

10 December – 21 January 2010 Filmtheater 't Hoogt Utrecht, NL. Curated by Kostana Banovic.
Opening Friday 17 December 17.00-19.00 h.





6 November 2010 20.00hMadre Guerra”, Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, NL.
In the context of:
'Between Heaven and Earth' an evening of performance art in Oude Kerk curated by Rose Akras and Dirk Jan Jager. 19.00-02.00. Museumnacht Amsterdam 2010.

Madre Guerra



4 November 2010, “Safety Instructions”, Krasny Ztraty, Prague, Czech Republic.
23rd Instant Video in collaboration with Anemic Festival Prague Independent Film & New Media Art
4th – 16th November 2010.

23rd Instant Video



“Chalk Line” video selected for FestarteVideoArtFestival will be shown at:
21-23 October 2010, Ravello LAB, Ravello, SA, Italy.
15-18 September 2010, Violenza Invisibile, MACRO, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Roma, Italy.



4 September 2010, Short Videos, Gemak, Den Haag, NL.
Mueumnacht Den Haag 2010.




29-30 May 2010, “Relazioni a Catena” (Relational Effect), Maggio dello Scompiglio, Tenuta dello Scompiglio, Lucca, Italy.



13 April - 2 May 2010 Associazione Culturale dello Scompiglio, Tenuta dello Scompiglio, Lucca, Italy.
Production Residency to make the performance “Relazioni a Catena” realized in collaboration with Marie Goeminne and Costanza Givone.

01 Relazioni a catena



21- 29 April 2010 "Safety Instructions", "David & Caterina" at FLAM “In the Evidence of Experience” Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, NL. Forum of Live Art Curated by Rose Akras and Dirk Jan Jager.
Maggio dello Scompiglio



29-30 Marzo – 8-9 Aprile 2010 terrò il workshop “Video d’Artista” all’Istituto Grafico Pubblicitario Einaudi, Grosseto, Italy.
L’intervista durante il workshop tenuta con Michele Syd Ranieri per il TG Giovani sarà visibile: 23 aprile e 30 aprile 19,30 teletirreno o SKY 914.



26 March 2010, “Antonin Artaud: Signs and DrawingsStudium Generale, Vrije Academie, Den Haag, NL.


Autoritratto dicembre 1948




7 November 2009 18h30. Back to the Present, Networking 2009, Palazzo Chainini-Vincenzi, Arezzo, Italy.
Exhibition of the works realized during the workshop held by Luchezar Boyadjiev in Arezzo between 2-7 November. Project Curated by Elisa del Prete.
With: Martina Della Valle, Francesco Di Tillo, Helena Hladilova & Namsal Siedlecki, Liquid Cat, Margherita Moscardini, Caterina Pecchioli, Viola Pinzi, Marta Primavera.



9 October 2009 14-16.30h, Nieuw Talent, Witte Van Hulzen/Sander Breure, Jeong Ahn, Caterina Pecchioli, Artists presentation and interview by Alex de Vries. Gemak, Vrije Academie, Den Haag, NL.




1 t/m 11 October 2009, ALTIJD BEWEGEN! Gemak, Vrije Academie, Den Haag, NL.
Opening 2nd October 2009 13.00 h
Group Exhibition with: Atelier Van Lieshout, Christiaan Bastiaans, Livinus van de Bundt, Constant, Witte van Hulzen/Sander Breure, Joris Ivens, Jeong Yoon Ahn, Axel & Helena van der Kraan, Barney de Krijger, ligteringen/derooij, Daniel Lisboa, Bruce Nauman, Caterina Pecchioli, Ingrid Rollema, Hugo Schuitemaker, Zhou Xiao Hu, Frans Zwartjes.




11-27 September 2009, Prognosis for the future, Havenkwartier, Deventer, The Netherlands.
Curated by Harm van der Wal.
Open only in the weekends: Friday-Sunday, 13.00-17.00



Nomination GRA Award 2009. Members of the Jury: Fons Welters of Galerie Welters and Maria Hlavajova of Stichting BAK.
Nominated Fine Arts:
Caterina Pecchioli (Fine Arts/Beeldende Kunst)
Kristina Benjocki (Fine Arts/Beeldende Kunst)
Martha Jessen (Audiovisual) winner
Edwin Deen (Fine Arts/Beeldende Kunst)
Matthijs Diederiks (Audiovisual)




1-5 July 2009 Endexam Exhibition, Contemporary Portrait, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, 4rt Floor New Building, Amsterdam.
Opening 1st July 4.00h



Winner of the SerrONE Biennale Giovani Monza ’09 Award consisting in the acquisition of the work shown in the exhibition by the Civic Collection of Art of Monza (Royal Palace, Monza).
The winners: Martina Della Valle, Cristian Niccoli, Daniela Novello, Valerio Rocco Orlando, Caterina Pecchioli, Maria Grazia Pontorno, Claudia Pozzoli, Gaia Scaramella.
In the Jury, between the others: Mario Botta (architect), Stefano Crespi (Art Critic), Luigi Sansone (Art Critic).

SerrONE Biennale Giovani Monza ’09 Award



19 June – 30 August 2009 SerrONE Biennale Giovani Monza ’09, Serrone della Villa Reale, Monza, Italy. Curated by Valentina Gensini.
Opening 18th June 18.00h




25 February 2009 16.00h, “Antonin Artaud: Signs and Drawings” Studium Generale Rietveld Academie, Maison Descartes, Amsterdam, NL.

Autoritratto dicembre 1948         Antonin Artaud: Signs and Drawings




15 January 2009 18h30, “Nc’era na vota”, (M)éditorial, 21st Instant Video, Ecole des Arts Décoratifs, Strasbourg, France.

(M)éditorial, 21st Instant Video



24 January – 8 February 2009, Evil in the Old Church, Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, NL.
Opening : 23 January 2009 17:00 -20:00h
With works by the last year students of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie.

Evil in the Old Church, Oude Kerk



Venerdi 30 e Sabato 31 maggio 2008 ore 21.30, “Madre Guerra”, sala Polivalente C. Banti, Piazza Libertà, Montemurlo, Prato.
Contemporanea/Colline Festival 08, Montemurlo, organized by Metastasio Theater, Prato, Italy.

Madre Guerra



March 28-30, 2008, “Madre Guerra”, SwanDay Festival, Das Pumpwerk, Berlin, Germany.
Curated by Performance Lab Berlin, Shannon Sullivan and Joey Juschka.





10 Maggio 2007 "Il corpo adolescente nella fotografia contemporanea: uno sguardo tra Olanda e Giappone" dipartimento Arti Visive, Dams Università di Bologna